10 Weight Loss Myths That Most People Believe


These days, you’ll find so many tips on how to lose weight quickly. Whether it’s from the internet, in print publications, by word of mouth or on television, some of the information you hear is true and may help you shed those unwanted pounds. However much of it isn’t based on evidence and may even sabotage your efforts. Within this article we have put together the top ten myths when it comes to losing weight.

Choose “Diet” Foods For Success

Have you heard people say that sticking with foods that help with weight loss is the key to success? While there may be an iota of truth to this statement, it’s quite important to know that for these people making money is their priority rather than helping you meet your weight loss goal. Nevertheless, if a processed food claims to be fat-free, low-fat, or weight-loss friendly, check the label to see what’s in it. Even beverages claiming to be helpful for weight-loss may be loaded with sugar and other undesirable ingredients.

Fat Makes You Fat

It might sound quite logical that limiting fat would contribute to weight loss, since body fat is fat we have stored, but that’s not the case at all. While there are certain circumstances where eating a diet high in fat can contribute to weight gain, fat in itself is not inherently wrong or bad when it comes to losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight.

Move More and Eat Less

Most people believe that in order for them to lose stored fat, more calories must be burned than the amount being taken in, well, it’s not that simple. Most of the time, these same set of people usually end up gaining back the weight they lose. One must understand fully, that fundamental changes on psychological and biological levels are also required for long-term success. Changes in perspective as well as behaviour are also essential.

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Obese People Are Always Unhealthy and Thin People Are Always Healthy

It is true that obesity creates a greater risk of several chronic diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some kinds of cancer. Nevertheless, some obese people enjoy good metabolic health, and some thin people suffer from diabetes and heart disease. How obesity affects health depends greatly on where the fat is carried. For instance, abdominal fat has a significant negative affect on health, compared to the fat carried in the hips or evenly distributed on the body.

People Who Are Obese Have No Willpower

While many people might believe that people who are obese have little or no will power, studies have led us to understand that eating habits are driven by both biochemistry and physiology in a complicated dance that has virtually nothing to do with choices and willpower. The hormone leptin signals the brain to either store fat or burn it, and when leptin resistance develops, the body gets a starvation message and this makes it extremely difficult for the obese to lose weight and keep it off.


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