Weight loss can be an easy process, but toning your body and ensuring that you do not get deprived of muscle mass, can be difficult! Don’t worry! There are a number of ways to tighten skin after massive weight loss!
1. Protein
Have food that is rich in protein, as it will help to reduce skin atrophy!
2. Water
Drink enough water to enable your skin to recover fast!
3. Eat Healthy
Eat healthy! Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables!
4. Fish Oil
Fish oil supplements will help to tone the body and increase muscle mass.
5. Strength Training
Start going to the gym, and indulge in strength training to build up muscle!
6. Massage Therapy
Massage therapy can reduce loose skin, as it aids in blood circulation.
7. No Smoking
Avoid smoking, as it greatly reduces the elasticity of the skin.
8. Exfoliation
Indulge in skin exfoliation as it will help to drive toxins out of the body, and it help the body to recover fast!
9. Sleep
It’s true that at least eight hours of sleep can help the body to fix relaxed, and will allow it to tone more quickly.
10. Yoga
Do yoga exercise every day to give your body the right elasticity, and to make the skin more flexible.
11. Almond Oil
Rubbing almond oil on the body will help the body to tone and tighten!
12. Sun Exposure
Avoid going out in the sun, as it will slow down the nurturing process of the skin.
13. Collagen Cream
Collagen creams help to tighten skin and re-instill their elasticity.
14. Castor Oil
Castor oil is great for instilling the elasticity of the skin!
15. Set a Goal
Set goals for every week! Your goals can include a specific diet, massages, exercises etc., for skin tightening.
16. Lemon Water
Drink a glass of warm lemon water, every morning, to allow the right nutrients to reach the body, so that it can recover.
17. Cardio Work-out
Cardio exercises are essential for tightening the skin. Exercises such as biking, running, skipping, swimming, are extremely effective for this purpose.
18. Vitamins
Ensure that you have the right amount of essential vitamins in your body, that are necessary for the production of collagen.
19. Compression Garments
Compression garments will help to lose inflammation, and will tighten the skin.
20. Olive Oil
Try to ensure that your food contains olive oil, as olive oil is a fat burner, and contains many essential nutrients.
Forget going under the needle, and try the above ways to tighten your skin!