3 Health Benefits of Walnuts

Walnuts are rounded edible seeds that grow on the trees in the genus Juglans. They are late to grow leaves and they secrete chemicals into the soil that stops other surrounding vegetation from growing, which is why flowers or vegetable gardens are not planted anywhere near them. Walnuts age on the tree until the outer shell dries and pulls away and the shell and seed are left behind.

There are two variations of walnuts which include: English walnut (originated in Persia) and the Black walnut (native to eastern North America). These two are crunchy and contain similar nutritional content such as protein, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and trace minerals (magnesium, folate, magnesium, copper, manganese, and thiamin). The nutritional content in walnuts provide numerous healthy benefits to the body. Below are some of them:

1. Improves the health of the heart

Walnuts contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases. They also contain vitamin E that helps to prevent cholesterol oxidation within arteries, thereby preventing plaque from clogging the coronary arteries (blood vessels that carry blood to the heart).

The antioxidant content in them includes; gallic acid, ellagic acid and other polyphenols are powerful tannins that combat free radical change. Also, the trace minerals are heart-healthy minerals, and arginine (an amino acid) helps to improve blood circulation in the body.

2.  Prevent diabetes

Studies have shown over the years that people who consume walnuts are less likely to have diabetes as compared to those who rarely eat nuts. This is due to the high content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that help greatly to prevent diabetes. More research has also found that a diet with healthy fats from walnuts made a significant improvement in the blood lipid profiles of the patients they studied, and they further found out that these patients had their LDL cholesterol lowered and the HDL cholesterol improved.

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3.  Maintain the health of the brain

Although several studies have shown nuts to be healthy for the brain, not all nuts will provide the same benefits. Walnuts are known as the best type of nut for brain health, as they are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acid which is important for the optimum functioning of the brain cells. Walnuts are also rich in B-vitamin folate, which is known to improve neural health and reduce the risk of cognitive disease.

Walnuts are one of the world’s healthiest foods, and eating them regularly can give you these health benefits and a lot more.

image courtesy of: cdn.theconversation.com, medguidance.com, myllu.llu.edu, icantbelievethatshealthy.com.

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