4 Foods That Nutritionists Never Eat

Nutritionists are advocates of eating healthy foods and they will recommend same to you most of the time. Healthy foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains are usually recommended to sustain good health, and it’s advisable to stay away from foods that won’t help you to stay fit. Some of these foods are the ones that are high in sugar, calories and fat, and while a lot of people focus on these things, they forget that there are some other things that may be equally unhealthy and even endanger their lives. You may want to know some of the foods nutritionists will never eat to sustain their health. Keep reading to learn more.

1. Bright colored yogurt

Rather than focusing on how much fat is in your yogurt, it would be be great to look out for the ingredients used too. The best yogurt for your health shouldn’t contain more than two ingredients, which includes milk and cultures. When you have a bright colored yogurt like pink or blue yogurt, it simply means that it has an additional ingredient–the unnatural dye and added sugars used to create the colors. If you feel that your plain white yogurt is too bland, you can top it with fruits like berries to make it colorful and also for added benefits.

2. Farmed salmon

Salmon is a healthy seafood that is often recommended for weight loss and health improvement. However, if you are going to take salmon, ensure that you avoid the farmed salmon and opt for wild salmon instead. Farmed salmon is known for its high mercury content and it is also high in contaminants like carcinogens, PCBs, brominated flame retardants and pesticides.

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3. Canned tomatoes

Canned tomatoes might be an easy option for you while you cook, but their effect on the health is a cause for concern. They contain a lot of salt and sugar and the resin linings of the cans have been shown to contain bisphenol-A. Bisphenol-A is a synthetic estrogen linked to various ailments ranging from reproductive problems to heart disease, diabetes and obesity. As an alternative, simply use fresh tomatoes.

4. Pre-packaged or frozen meals

Most people are quite busy, and it’s quite understandable that you might not want to spend so much time cooking all the time. However, while pre-packaged and frozen meals will help save you some time, you can always try to avoid these whenever you can and eat fresh meals instead. These pre-packaged meals usually contain hidden sugars, high fructose corn syrup, salt and preservatives.

Little changes in your diet can make a big difference, so make sure that you pay more attention to the foods that you are eating.

image courtesy of: greenempire.tv, foxandbriar.com, cermaq.com, splendidtable.org, frozenfoodeurope.com.

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