5 Excellent Kitchen Items To Quickly Prepare Meals

If you are a healthy eater, then you must know that a well-stocked kitchen automatically gives you easy access to quick meals and easy snacks, which in-turn gives you a satisfied belly and a healthy body. The key to eating well is really about being prepared, so here is a list of the top 7 kitchen staples every healthy eater needs. Feel free to take this list with you to the grocery store and start stocking up!

1. Greens

Life would be a lot easier if you had a box of baby spinach, baby kale, arugula, lettuce and etc, wouldn’t you agree? Without having to wash or chop the leaves, one can simply whip up salads in a matter of seconds. You could also choose to enjoy your greens by chopping them up into your smoothies.

2. Fresh herbs

Fresh herbs are just the best ways to enhance your meals. Aside from the fact that fresh herbs are absolutely flavorful and add elements of resonance and freshness to your meal, they also contain powerful antioxidants, that keeps one looking young and healthy. To use, have them blended into a pesto, slice them up and you toss them into any dish all you want.

3. Garlic

As far as kitchen staples are concerned, Garlic is one ingredient you cannot do without. Whether you are looking to use fresh garlic or garlic granules, it will definitely add lots of flavor to your dish. You can fry it in a little bit of olive oil and your entire kitchen will be beautifully aromatic.

4. Sea salt

Salt, being at the top of the list of kitchen staples, pretty much, brings out the flavor of everything. As with garlic, a little sea salt, goes a long way, so always remember the number one rule: you can add more but you can’t take away, so add tardily!

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5. Chickpeas

Legumes like the chickpeas and beans can provide a good amount of protein, fiber, and complex carbohydrates to any meal. And the best thing about them is that they can be eaten by vegans, vegetarians or omnivores. You can throw them on top of your salads, stews, or you can even decide to make them into veggie burgers or burritos.

image couresy: bespokeclinic.ca, healthimpactnews.com, davidwolfe.com, oukosher.org, myjewishlearning.com.

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