Do you wish to have an enviable V-shape back? Ever admired people with that broad, masculine frame with a slim, athletic waist? Perhaps you are wondering – how can I develop my back area to look just like this? Well, it’s a good thing you are here.
Experts have estimated that the pull-up is one of the most effective ways to strengthen the body, and most of all, your back. And the good news is, all you need is a bar and your body weight. Read on to find out more on the five exercises to help you conquer the pull up.
Lat-pull down
How to do:
- Loop a band around a pull-up bar and drop down to one knee on the floor.
- Grab the band with both hands shoulder-width apart.
- Engage your core as you squeeze your lats together and down while pulling the band town and toward your chest.
- Release back to the start with control.
- Use a weight that’s challenging for four sets of eight reps.
Pull-up with band
How to do:
- Loop a band around a pull-up bar. Start by placing one foot at the bottom of the loop to support your weight while your hands grab the pull-up bar with palms facing away from you.
- If you’re a beginner, start with a thicker band to support more of your weight. The thicker the band, the more support it provides.
- Engage your core and lats as you pull your chin up and over the bar.
- Lower down with control and repeat.
- Do three sets of three to six reps.
Ring row
How to do:
- Hold the rings in your hands and keep your body in a straight line, like you’re performing an inverted pull-up.
- Engage your glutes and abs as you pull your body toward the rings.
- Squeeze your lats together like you are trying to pinch a penny between them as you bring your chest through the rings.
- Lower down with control and repeat.
- Do three sets of 10 reps.
Bent-over row
This exercise can be completed using a barbell, dumbbells or kettlebells.
How to do:
- With slightly bent knees, hinge forward at the waist with a flat back and proud chest.
- Using your desired form of weight, squeeze your lats together and engage your glutes as you row the weight up to your chest.
- Lower down with control and repeat.
- Do five sets of six to eight reps.
Jumping pull-up
How to do:
- Hold onto a pull-up bar with your hands facing away from you.
- Hang on the pull-up bar while keeping your feet on the ground so that the weight is in your hands and not your feet.
- Focus on pulling with your lats and back as you lightly jump up and reach your chin over the bar.
- This should not be a full jump, but instead it’s a way to engage the muscles you use during the pull-up with a little extra help from your lower body.
- Do three sets of three to five reps.
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