5 Foods Not Recommended For Personal Trainers


#1. Fast food1

“To be frank, if you eat fast foods, you are lazy,” says Ben Boudro, strength, and conditioning specialist and owner of Xceleration Sports in Auburn Hills, Michigan. “I work more than an average of 80 hours per week and somehow still find time to meal prep all of my lunches for the week. My health is important to me, and it is non-negotiable to meal prep on Sundays.”

This is just empty calories. They have no nutritional value. That means you’ll be hungry again soon, likely reaching for more junk food. You can’t feed your body calories only from fat. It needs vitamins, fiber, minerals and other nutrients to keep your metabolism, and you, healthy.

#2. Sugary fruit drinks2

Just because something has the word “fruit” in it, doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Even fruit juices often contain as much sugar and calories as a soft drink. The juice is stored in a huge oxygen-depleted holding tank for a long time after it’s been squeezed from the fruit and before it goes to the store. Unfortunately, most of the flavor is removed during the process, so manufacturers have to make up for it by adding artificial flavors and sweeteners.

#3. Milk3

Milk making the “black list” of foods was a surprise, but it makes sense. “Even though I use dairy products I do not drink actual milk,” says Jesse Grund, a fitness professional and nutritional therapist at Perfect Movement Fitness. “I feel milk after adolescence is pointless when there are healthy ways to intake calcium, protein, and fat without the worry of what went into the cow.”

Related:   6 Foods That Boost Metabolism Naturally

#4. Raw Fish4

Raw food can have certain harmful bacteria. Raw fish may contain bacteria, such as E. coli, salmonella, and listeria, or parasites which can live on if the fish is not handled properly. Cooking kills the bad stuff, in addition to boosting some nutrients. Plus, there is no scientific evidence that raw foods prevent illness.

#5. Foods containing trans fats5

Trans fats are found in products that contain “vegetable shortening” or “partially hydrogenated vegetable oil” in the ingredients list, according to Joey Gochnour, registered dietitian and certified personal trainer at Nutrition and Fitness Professional, LLC. “There is no safe amount of this that can be consumed without a disproportionately negative effect on health, according to the research.” Labels are allowed to round down trans fats to 0 if they have less than 0.5 grams per serving, but most people eat more than one serving.

image couresy: phoenixdanceandfitness.com,  dinheirovivo.pt,  theguardian.com, naturalheightgrowth.com,  maangchi.com, health.harvard.edu.

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