5 Simple Exercises You Can Do at Home

Going to the gym can be time consuming and highly demanding, but did you know that there are simple exercises you can do in the comfort of your home or anywhere? Yes! There are exercises that you can do within the quickest time possible, some of these are explained below:

1. Chair Dips

Performing this exercise is extremely simple, all you need is to get a chair and some space in front of you. Place your hands on the base of the chair, ensure that the chair is stable and then fully extend your legs. While doing this, let your back be slightly close to the chair, then drop down to the ground with your hands still on the base of the chair, count 1-3 seconds and lift yourself up again focusing all of your body weight on your triceps (arms).

2. Lunges

Stand firm on a flat surface, put your hands on your waist and extend your right foot forward while the left foot goes backward. With this posture, slowly descend to the floor, till the thigh of your right foot (that is extended forward) is almost parallel to the ground. Repeat this move for 8-10 times and do the same from start, this time stretching the other foot forward.

3. Squats

The squats are also simple, stand firm on a flat surface, extend your hands forward till they are fully stretched and descend with your butt. Keep going down till your legs become almost parallel to the floor and slowly ascend. Throughout this process, maintain your stamina and posture. This exercise has been reputed to be highly effective in good shape formation and burning fat.

Related:   6 Simple Exercises You to Get a Big Butt

4. Planks

This exercise requires minimal movement, you start by finding a flat surface, lay down flat on the ground with your tummy facing down, then raise up your body from the ground with your arms (not your hands or palms).

To do this, put your hands together while your elbows remain on the floor, then raise up the rest of your body with your toes. During the whole exercise, your body should be straight, maintain that position for as long as you can.

5. Arm circles

With your feet firm on the floor, swing your arms forward for about 60-80 seconds. While doing this exercise, be sure to see that your shoulders are lowered and your belly tucked-in. After 60-80 seconds, in the same position, swing your arms backwards.

Image Courtesy of:estarenarmonia.com, s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com

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