Ollie Kah

Do Cellulite Creams Work?

What is cellulite? It can be defined as the bumpy, uneven appearance of the skin in areas like the buttocks, thighs and belly caused by the fat layer under the skin. This happens more so in women than men and can be a source of anxiety fro a lot of women whose own is classified […]

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Beach Wedding Photo Ideas

Your wedding day should hopefully going to be one of the best days of your entire life second only to the births or the adoption of your children. Since the turn of the 21st century, wedding themes have become a big deal. It is no longer just the simple white wedding and a small reception afterwards,

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20 Best Ways To Use Eggs

Eggs are laid by the females of a lot of animals that include birds, reptiles, mammals and fish. Eggs have been eaten and used by human for the longest time as food, medicine and even in witchcraft but we won’t be talking about that today. This hard-shelled food is a good source of protein and

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20 Best Smoothie Ingredients

Smoothies are a great way to ingest all your daily vitamins for the day instead of chewing all day long. Here is a list of unusual but great ingredients for smoothies. 1. EGGS Be it chicken, turkey, quail or what-have-you, eggs are a great source of protein and bodybuilders know this all too well. When

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