The Best Piece of Gym Equipment You’re Not Using


Most times when we go to the gym, we use equipment best known to us, so we don’t actually bother about going through all the equipment. Amazingly, do you know that most of this equipment could just be the solution to the problem you have been working out for. Read further below to get an insight into a major workout equipment that has been ignored a lot of times.

The rowing machine most time kept in the corner of the gym unused. The indoor-rowing machine (also known as the ergo-meter, or erg) engages your legs, hips, core, back and arms. When used properly, you’ll get both a cardio and strength session from an erg workout. It gives your body the switch ability from an energy point to a weight loss point. A display screen shows your power output for each stroke, letting you know exactly how efficiently you are moving and if your pace is letting up. You move this machine; it does not move you. Its just like bending down often to pick something from the ground, no matter the size it tends to wear you out at some point, that’s how the rowing machine works.

The right way to use it? Firstly, you should always have a proper foam and if you always set your fan on a 10 then you you have to stop because a higher fan setting does not make a tougher workout. Try damping the setting to one as similar as a bicycle gear; it affects the rowing but not the resistance directly.

The rowing stroke is divided into two equal parts: the recovery, in which you are preparing to take a stroke, and the drive, in which you are doing the work. (When rowers are on the water, the drive is when the oar is pushing the water to propel the boat forward.)

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The Recovery

The goal of the recovery portion of each stroke is twofold: to prepare your body to do the work required for the drive and to relax! Think about this: You’re spending half of your time on the erg recovering. If you can use this time to relax your muscles, you will have that much more energy to produce power on the drive.
To start make sure you gear up your muscles and take a second to pause in the Finish Position, the Arms-Away Position and the Body-Over Position.

Finish Position: In this position, you’ve “finished” the stroke — your legs and back are straight and you’re leaning back about 10 degrees with the handle up against the middle of your chest. Pause.

Arms-Away Position: Still in the same position, release your arms and send them “away” from your body. Pause.
Body-Over Position: From the Arms-Away Position, hinge at the waist so that you’re now leaning forward about 10 degrees, arms and legs still straight.

Make effort to get these positions while your relaxed and while you at that it gets easy to give out a pause until you get a continuous recovery

The Drive is executed in the exact opposite order of the Recovery, with a focus of using your biggest muscles to create power — pushing first with your legs while holding your core stable, then adding in the rest of your body by opening your hips and finishing the stroke by following through with your arms. Try you stay for a while in this core position.

This system does more work than others during workout, as you can see, it works on your thighs, arms, muscles and abdomen.

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