Beware Of These Pitfalls Of Snacking

There is this myth that snacking is a bad thing but the truth is this: snacking is good for you. It all depends on what you are snacking on! This article will teach you how to avoid snacking pitfalls.

1. Do not skip meals

“I’m busy”

“I don’t have time to eat”

“I am not hungry”

These are the most common sayings from those who don’t know the benefits of feeding your body even when your tongue doesn’t and these are the same people who are oblivious to negative effects of starving oneself. Depriving yourself of a full, hearty meal will result in low blood sugar which can be deadly in some cases, development of ulcers and even blackouts!

2. Do not wait too long before having a meal

Taking too long to eat will cause you to eat something that will “hold your stomach” until you can eat properly and there is a high probability that that “something” is going to be unhealthy junk which just clogs up your pipes. Literally!

3. Do not eat foods high in white sugar

Unhealthy foods that contain white sugar have a “good” way of spiking the blood sugar level which in my case, I have found makes me eat more for some weird reason which is why I opt for brown sugar now.

4. Schedule your meals

When you schedule your meals, you put your body on a clock system and even when you are not looking at a clock, your body will eventually alert you that you need to eat.

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5. Do not deprive yourself of your cravings

If you recognize that you are craving something like chocolate or ice cream, have it! Stop over-thinking about it, because if you do, you will eventually end up eating way more than you should and you will probably regret that.

6. Drink a lot of water

Last but certainly not the least—drinking water. You will be surprised to learn that most of the time you think that you are hungry, you are actually thirsty. Drink water as often as possible.


These are just a few easy-to-remember steps that you can carry with you on your day-to-day doings that will keep you from snacking mindlessly.

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