Why A Brisk Walk Is Great For Your Health

Studies now show that brisk walking is better than going to the gym. How true can this be? It actually sounds untrue, or rather, impossible.

The London School of Economics found out in their research that regular brisk walking for over 30 minutes can reduce the Body Mass Index (BMI), and lead to more weight loss than those people who go to the gym.

Below are reasons why brisk walk is better

1. It strengthens the heart

The risk of heart disease and stroke is reduced by taking regular brisk walks, as it is also a form of cardio exercise. It helps to lower the LDL cholesterol levels and control the high blood pressure. This helps the heart to pump more effectively, as there is a little pressure on it.

2. It lightens the mood

When you walk around, your mood gets better, due to the release of painkilling endorphins in your body. These endorphins will stimulate a positive feeling in the body and make you feel just great.

3. It lowers the risk of disease

Walking improves the immune system, which helps the body to fight against invaders and ward off diseases. Keeping up with this habit will result to a 60% reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and also you are 20% less likely to develop colon or breast cancer.

4. It prevents dementia

You can protect your brain by walking often. Studies show that older people who walk six miles weekly have a reduced risk of brain shrinkage, and they are able to preserve memory. Older people are more prone to brain damage, and walking can prevent them from this.

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5. It improves sleep

Take a walk in the cool hours of the day and return to your bed to have a soothing sleep. Study from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle found that women, ages 50 to 75, who took one-hour morning walks, were more likely to relieve insomnia than women who didn’t walk.

6. It tones up the legs, buttocks, and stomach

Having your legs, buttocks, and stomach well toned is probably what you have always wanted. Regular brisk walking gives definition to the calves, quads, and hamstrings, and also lift the glutes. If you can do this a little more consciously, you will see results in a matter of time. It also helps to tone the abs and the waist and make your waist slimmer, without even trying so hard.

Walking gives all these benefits and more, but you will only get desired results if you are consistent. Make it a habit to walk whenever you’ve got the chance or make use of any little opportunity you find.

image courtesy of: static.modasta.com, tescoliving.com.

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