5 Easy Ways to Lose Upper Belly Fat for Women

5 Easy ways to Lose Upper Belly Fat for Women

Losing upper stomach fat is not a walk in the park. Performing a few abdominal exercises during your daily routine might give you toned stomach muscles, but they cannot get rid of the upper-stomach fat you have. Also if you’re carrying more fat than you should above your belly, counting calories isn’t the only path for you to take.

In reality, this fat acts like an endocrine organ causing type 2 diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases. To lose fat above the stomach, you need to consider a more direct approach towards fat burning. Such an approach should influence every aspect of your life, resulting in your body burning fat in all the areas it tends to store it in. These simple steps will guide you towards losing your upper body fat in no time.

#1. Sleep well

The first and most basic tip is to give your body its required amount of sleep. Typically, people take this very lightly and don’t know the importance of getting a good nights sleep. Sleep deprivation is directly connected to having more belly fat, because it inhibits the function of appetite inducing hormones like ghrelin and leptin.

So all you need to do is stay well rested on a daily basis. Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night.

#2. Start a Diet

To burn overall fat in the body, you need to create a calorie deficit in your system first. To lose about 2 pounds every week, a daily cutting down of 250 to 1000 calories needs to be started and maintained. This is a very tough thing to do, but you will have to if you intend to lose weight and fat.

By cutting down on the calories you intake, your body will demand plenty of mono-unsaturated fats in your daily diet. Different fruits, including avocados and strawberries, can help you by providing those specific fats. Using olive oil can prove to be very useful as well.

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#3. Exercise Daily

There is no easy way do to exercise and you will have to push your body to its limits. Doing an hour of proper exercise every day can be a great aid to losing around 1 pound per week.

It is recommended that a proper aerobic exercise routine should be adopted for this. Sit ups and other cardio and fat burning exercises will do the job of making your body strong and won’t affect the visceral fat that you are trying to lose.

Here is a very good full body Pilates workout you can easily do at home.

#4. Drink Clean

Packaged smoothies, syrupy, coffee delights and sugary juice drinks will have to be avoided if you want to get the job done. All these drinks that you consume in your daily life contain an excess of sugar and calories. Sodas also have carbonation, which may cause stomach bloating.

A very helpful tip is to swap your plastic water bottle with a steel container because, bisphenol is present in flavored and plastic goods and is harmful to your health. You may also shift your food into glass containers.

#5. Change your lifestyle

Your lifestyle may just be the root cause for all the upper-stomach fat you may have accumulated. For example, if a person smokes regularly, it can aid towards development of fat in the upper body. The stress and other factors that exacerbate fat in your life need to be dealt with as soon as possible.

Women generally have too much going on in their minds from social interactions to bills to what your friend wore at work today, all these things need to be taken lightly. Yoga, meditation and organizing your tasks and goals in a better way are the best approaches towards reducing stress and binge eating.

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