What Causes Men to Have Hard, Fat Bellies?

What Causes Men to Have Hard, Fat Bellies 2

When the waistline of a man is  measured to a size greater than 45 inches, then that individual has a high risk of been exposed to heart attack and diabetes type 2. What causes this plight is due to an overflow of visceral fat in the body. This fat makes its abode right inside your trunk nestled around your internal organ. Unlike subcutaneous fat, visceral fat discharges hormones and compounds that accumulate swellings, which result in heart disease. Men naturally store fat in their gut instead of their lower body.

Aging and Hormones Make a Fat Belly
Women gain weight more often on their hips and thought while men on other hand tend to gain fat in their bellies. It’s really unclear why men store fat in their belly, as it doesn’t provide any physiological advantage.

One factor that causes when to develop big fat is aging. After men surpass age 40, the natural reduction in testosterone means excess calories are often stored as visceral fat. You lose muscle mass naturally when you age. What keeps your metabolism burning at a solid rate is your muscles, and when you lose it, your body start to decline and become easier to gain fat, which frequently goes straight to the belly.

Dietary Habits and Belly Fat
It’s true that ravenous habit of eating leads to fat belly but there are also foods out there that are more likely to increase belly fat than others. You are more likely to develop a larger, hard belly if you have a serious soda habit. That’s why it’s vital to get rid of those sugar-sweetened drinks, fruit punch, and energy drink as they contain a lot of calories that accompanies weight gain. To help reduce calories and lose weight, drink water or unsweetened herbal tea instead of soda.

Related:   3 Best Ways To Lose Fat And Gain Lean Body Mass

Sedentary Living Equals a Hard, Fat Belly
Lack of exercise, specifically moving around has become one reason why many men to tend to gain weight especially visceral fat weight. When you become active in movements, you will reduce your overall size, precisely, your hard, fat belly. In order to treat visceral fat, you have a classic diet and exercise techniques.

Lifestyle Choices
I’ll advise you to quit smoking if you do. Smoking comes with several health risks and reckons the accumulation of visceral fat among them.

Not having enough or too much sleep can also cause you to have a hard belly fat. Researchers have come to found out that after 5 years of constantly getting less than six hours or more than nine hours per night led to a greater abdominal fat in people younger than 40.

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