Dengue Fever

What is dengue fever?

Dengue fever is a viral disease  caused by the dengue virus and is transmitted by aedes aegypti mosquito, infected with the dengue virus. aedes mosquito is a specie of mosquito found in subtropical zones. The aedes aegypti is responsible for the transmission of other viruses like zika virus ,yellow fever and chikungunya. It is very active during the day and breeds in stagnant water . Dengue fever affects people of all ages as it is only transmitted as a result of mosquito bite.

1. Symptoms of dengue fever

Dengue fever is mainly characterized by severe bone and joint pain, but there are other symptoms which are similar to other fevers pain like headache, anorexia, vomiting, constipation, sore throat and bleeding from gum and nose.

2. Prevention of dengue fever

Prevention of dengue fever basically involves preventing mosquito bite. These can be achieved by
1.  Sleeping under treated mosquito nets, as mosquitoes will not be able to penetrate the nets to get to you while you are asleep.
2.  Avoiding stagnant water around the house as stagnant waters are perfect breeding sites for mosquitoes. Eliminating any stagnant water in the house reduce the chances of the presence of mosquitoes . eliminating stagnant waters also kill any mosquito larva that was in the water.
3.  Regularly spray insecticides as  regularly spray insecticides inside and outside the house to kill any mosquitoes around the house.
4.  Applying mosquito replants as  if you are a planning to visit a place likely to have mosquitoes, apply mosquito replant lotions to avoid any chances of mosquito bites.
5.  If you live or work with a person exhibiting symptoms of dengue virus, make sure immediate treatment is given to the victim to avoid transmission of virus from mosquito that has bitten the victim.
6.  Regularly wear long clothing if you live in areas that expose you to mosquito bites.

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3. Treatment of dengue virus

There is no specific treatment for dengue virus but there are effective treatments to help control symptoms associated with dengue fever. Some of these treatments include,
• Taking prescribed pain killers
• Regularly drinking fluids
• Proper medication for other symptoms that may arise. But If symptoms persist immediately visit the doctor.

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