How To Shrink Belly Fat Fast

how to shrink belly fat fast 1

Trust me when I say it’s really embarrassing for most men that have a waistline larger than 40 inches, likewise women that measure 35 inches or more. A bulging stomach is not something most people want as it makes fitting into your favorite shorts really uncomfortable. Belly fat paves the way for an increased risk of diseases like cancer and other sicknesses; this is why slimming your belly down is vital.

Step 1

Keep a healthy diet. Weight control starts with eradicating items that structure fat, such as fried food and desserts which are flooded fat. Ensure that your diet possesses low-calorie nutrients, which include fresh vegetables, fresh fish, fruit and whole-grain bread.

Step 2

To lose weight, exercise aerobically for 60 minutes, five days a week . Some great activities that burn the most calories are bicycling, basketball, aerobic dancing, running and racquetball.

Step 3

Train with weights two or three times each week for 20 minutes. Activities like lifting dumbbells or barbells build muscle, which increases your metabolism so you keep burning calories, even at rest.

Step 4

Count calories consistently. Calorie awareness ensures your exercise for weight loss won’t be in vain. One lb. equals 3,500 calories, so burning 500 calories more than you consume daily is the best and healthiest way of downsizing quickly.

Step 5

Sleep seven hours or more each night. People who fail to get enough rest suffer hormonal changes that cause an increase in appetite.

Step 6

Perform stomach-toning activities to tighten the muscles in your belly and create a flatter appearance. Perform an abdominal hollowing exercise by getting down on your hands and knees. Exhale deeply, and then suck your navel up and back toward your spine. Hold this pose for about 10 seconds and then relax, and repeat.

Related:   7 High-Fiber Foods to Help You Lose Weight


Make sure you get an OK from your health care provider before trying these physical activities to lose weight, especially if you suffer from some medical condition. Also, do not consume fewer than 1,200 calories per day if you are a woman, and 1,500 a day if you are a man.

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