Snoring is due to the lack of freely moving air through the nose and throat during sleep. When this happens, the surrounding tissues vibrate which produces the annoying snoring sound.
Here is how to stop snoring naturally.
Side Sleeping
If your snoring problem is minor, this just might do the trick. The biggest difficulty may become how to keep you on your side. Using a body pillow could be useful in maintaining the position. Ultimately, this position can prevent the relaxed and untoned muscles in the throat from blocking the breathing passageways.
Peppermint oil and goldenseal
If your snoring occurs because of nasal or chest congestion, pure peppermint oil can relieve the congestion. It’s been shown to be a great essential sore throat relief and congestion in the nasal passageways, which in turn could be how to stop snoring for congestion issues.
Goldenseal is another supplement you can use to help relieve congestion in your chest and nasal passages and is typically found in powder, liquid or capsule form. You can even have a cup of herbal tea that contains peppermint or goldenseal. Just make sure that you don’t have tea with caffeine, as that can greatly interrupt your sleep.
Spearmint and fenugreek
Digestion plays a big role in our sleep patterns and can cause snoring. Fenugreek and spearmint are amazing herbs that can cure snoring from digestive issues, in particular caused by indigestion, an acid problem in the digestive system. These herbs can help rid your body of this acid and decrease your chances of snoring while you sleep.
Fenugreek has been shown to fight sleep apnea and improve digestive issues that lead to snoring, while spearmint also relieves indigestion and acid reflux symptoms that can also contribute to snoring.
Vitamin C
The sinuses can obstruct the airways, causing the mouth to open and the uvula, the fleshy extension at the back of the soft palate that hangs above the throat, to vibrate and create the annoy of an all-night snore. Vitamin C may help prevent this because we know it helps promote a healthy immune system. That healthy immune system can clear the sinuses.
Papaya, pineapple, which also contains sinus-fighting bromelain, broccoli and red bell pepper etc. are the some of the best vitamin C food
Get your body weight back to normal
If you carrying around extra body weight, this excess weight, especially around the neck, can cause the throat to narrow when you lay down. This creates a higher incidence of snoring. Reducing your weight can lead to healthier sleep in addition to other health benefits, and it’s one of the best solutions for people wondering how to stop snoring.
Consider getting a humidifier
Dry air can contribute to your snoring problem because dry air dries out the throat and nasal membranes, creating congestion. Congestion can restrict the natural breathing pattern and cause the tissues to vibrate. A humidifier could help by eliminating the dry air and creating more comfort for the body, ultimately allowing for more natural breathing. You can even add essentials oils to the humidifier.
Limit or avoid alcohol
Alcohol relaxes most people, and because snoring occurs when the throat and tongue is relaxed, alcohol can add to the problem due to the extreme relaxed state it may cause. This could actually make your snoring worse. Limit your alcohol consumption or avoid it altogether to get a much better night’s sleep.
Try regular throat and tongue exercises
A stronger throat and tongue may help avoid over-relaxation of the throat area. Try putting your upper and lower molars gently together. Open your mouth, focusing on pressing your molars wide apart but not to the point of overstretching. Repeat this 10–15 times, and you will start to feel the back of your mouth opening up.
Avoid dairy products and big meals late at night
Drinking milk or having other dairy products can make snoring much worse because it leaves a layer of mucus in your mouth and throat. This mucous add to the blockage of the airways. Also, try to avoid eating a big meal just before bedtime. When your stomach is full, it can push up against your diaphragm and affect your rhythmic breathing.
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