Food & Drinks

Energizing Foods

Food is a necessity of life. To ensure survival and sustenance, it is mandatory to eat. Food is consumed to keep you alive and ensure the continuation of life. The kind of food you eat determines your health status, your weight and physique. Food helps you maintain your body, they provide the body with nutrients with

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9 Best Eggs Recipe

  Eggs are first class protein and if you paid attention in your science class, you would know that proteins are very essential, especially for growth. Study has shown that people who ate high-protein breakfasts were able to control mid-meal hunger and they consumed fewer calories during lunch hours. The human body requires a certain

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Healthy Frozen Banana Bites

Fruits are all considered to be healthy supplements for our body’s growth. Yet according to some focus groups, frozen fruit is preferred to be more effective. Frozen fruit is given priority over regular fruit. Fruits are already high on water levels and pretty beneficial. But the thing with frozen fruits is that when you eat

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Great Recipes for Smoothies

Who doesn’t like a nice, rich smoothie? A smoothie is a thick drink made from blended raw fruit or vegetables with other ingredients such as water, ice, dairy products or sweeteners. There are a lot of great recipes for making smoothies, below are some good ones. 1. Heavenly blueberry smoothie Ingredients: 1 cup blueberries, could be

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