5 Foods That Will Destroy Your Immune System

The immune system is a very strong network that is made of tissues, cells and other organs that help protect your body. As there are foods the help boost your immune system, there are also foods that can affect the functions of the immune system. Below are some of these foods.

1. Alcohol

Taking excess alcohol is very harmful to your immune system, it reduces the white blood cells in your body that helps kill germs.

2. Sugar

Eating too much of sugar can decrease the capacity of white platelets to eliminate germs, the processing of sugar begins under thirty minutes after ingestion and may keep going for five hours. Interestingly, the ingestion of complex sugars or starches, has no impact on the invulnerable framework.

3. Red meat

Studies have found out that red meat leads to the risky response that can debilitate the immune system, it originates from a specific sugar in red meat that our bodies can’t process and this sugar can cause a lot of other medical issues. So eating too much of red meat is not good for your immune system.

4. Junk foods

Most junk foods are full of bad cholesterol that can lead to inflammation and eventually will reduce the strength of your immune system.

5. Soda

Most soda has no good nutrients like enough vitamin A, magnesium or calcium, so drinking them can be likened to you destroying your immune system, the phosphoric acid found in soda deplete magnesium and calcium in your body.

You have to be mindful of the foods you eat and how you eat them because you might just end up destroying your immune system without knowing you are. Learn to have a healthy meal planned out and it should be in the right amount, because if your immune system is destroyed then there is a higher chance of you experiencing many health issues. So best thing to do is just to eat right and healthy so you can live longer and fit.

Related:   3 Surprising Things That Affect Your Weight Besides Food and Exercise

Image Courtesy by: stundin.is, eatrightontario.ca, newsfirst.lk, runningmagazine.ca, spinalresearch.com.au, infoaging.org

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