4 Ways to Make Sure That You Continue Running in the Winter

You like early morning run, but you are pondering how you are going to continue in the winter, in all that cold and snow. Well ponder no more!

Winter is not an excuse for you to sit on your butt and be lazy. The following are five ways to ensure that you keep running in the winter.

1. Register for a race

Register for a marathon race that will be taking place in the winter, so that you have a goal to train forwards to. You see running in the ice needs a greater motivation than running in a very hot weather with 100 percent humidity. A goal to look forwards to may help provide the motivation you need.

2. Dress up but not too much

On a really cold day, you will need to wear special clothes that keep you warm. But do not wear something that will make you excessively hot or warm, because as you start your run, your body will produce some heat of its own and that combined with the very hot clothes may cause you to be dehydrated, dizzy and even to pass out.

Dress for temperature that is about 13 degrees Celsius warmer than the actual temperature and wear a pair of running gloves and a hat. You can still wear your normal socks as your feet should produce enough heat on the run to stay warm and woolly gloves on a snowy day.

3. Take longer warmups

Warmup is done to get prepare muscles for action, by warming them up, literally. The extra movements get your body temperature up so the body can ease into the action. So it means that in winter months, it will take longer for your muscles to warm up.

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Take that time and warm them up, so your muscles do not get damaged and cramps do not develop. If your normal warmup takes about 15 minutes, your warmup in winter should take about twice that, 30 minutes before you are ready to run at your full stride.

4. Change your running shoes

Winter means that there is ice everywhere, increasing the chances of you slipping and injuring yourself. To solve this, wear shoes that have thick traction threads and soles beneath them for better friction and grip with the ground.

Image Courtesy by: demandstudios.com, athletesdubienetre.fr

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