Fruit detox is one of the must haves in your fridge, not only are they healthy, they can be substituted for other sugary drinks that can be very bad for one’s health. You can make a collection of your favorite detox drinks, but here are these 5 to consider:
1. All berries smoothie
Berries are delicious and they contain antioxidants and fiber that are very good for one’s health. They help with the cleansing of the system and refreshes your entire body. You can combine all kinds of berries and enjoy.
Here is how to prepare:
1 1/2 cups berry mix (any berries you want)
1/2 cup coconut milk
1 cup purified water
1/8 cup rolled oats
Instructions: If they are freshly bought from the store, rinse and blend them all right away. If frozen, simply pop in the blend and blend to your desired consistency.
2. Kale-it-up smoothie
This is another delicious smoothie to make, like spinach, it has lots of valuable nutrient for the body. This should be eaten on regular basis, find a way to put in your dishes. As for the smoothie, here is how to prepare:
1 handful kale
1/2 apple
1 cup coconut water
First, if you are not using the baby kale, you will have to remove the leaves from the middle stem as it might be difficult to blend all through without getting lumps, even for a professional grade blender. Simply put all in blender and blend.
3. Cocoa bliss smoothie
Chocolate is a healthy sweet that can do wonders for your body and getting that in a drink is all the more better. To spice things up, use chocolate, the right one mixed with berries (in this case strawberries) and honey to taste if you like.
1 tbsp dark cocoa powder
1/2 cup coconut milk
1/2 cup strawberries
1 cup ice (if during warmer months)
Blend all together to your desired consistency and enjoy!
4. Green and clean smoothie
Nothing beats the greens in smoothie history. It is linked with clean as it is the perfect addition to add to your diet. Some greens might not look appealing in the eye but they are good and clean for the body compared to junk and other unhealthy sugared drinks. Anything green will do, from fruits to vegetables and mix it all together. You can spice up your “green” take.
1/4 cucumber
1/2 handful spinach or other leafy green
1/2 avocado
1 celery stalk
2 sprigs fresh mint
1 kiwifruit
1 cup purified water
1/2 of apple
Squirt of lemon
If you are using organic fruits and vegetables, then you can leave the peel on and blend for nutritional value. If not, simply rinse, peel and blend.
5. Extreme detox smoothie
This is the “grab and throw” kind of smoothie drink. Whereby it is what you have in hand that is what you are going to use (what do you have in your fridge?). Since it is a combination, every fruit and vegetable has the nutrients they are bringing to the table, all you have to do is simply blend and enjoy. As in this case:
1/2 carrot, peeled
1/2 pear
1/2 cup broccoli florets (steamed)
1 cup purified water
Chop into sizable portions and blend very well into your desired consistency.
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