5 Easy Yoga Poses to Relax

5 Yoga Poses for Relaxation

Whether it is school, work or married life, most people have learned to accept stress as a part of life but it need not be so. That is why, yoga is here is do more than de-stress! Some yoga poses are very good to help you calm down and can be done at any time of the day. These easy yoga poses to relax are good for beginners and experienced yogis.

1. Child’s Pose (Balasana)

This is the go-to pose for well-known yogini, Nadie Sardini, after salutations. Kneel on the floor and make sure the big toes on both feet are touching. Then spread your knees to create space so that you can fit your torso in between your knees then stretch your arms forward and really relax. Breathe in this pose for about two minutes.

2. Cat Pose (Marjaryasana)

This so-called cat pose is good for getting stress out of your lower back. Have you ever watched a cat stretch its back? Get down on all fours with your gaze to the floor directly under your chin. Suck in your tummy and cave in your back (the opposite of arching your back). Do this pose a couple of times to relieve the tension that normally builds from sitting in front of the computer for so long.

3. Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Don’t let the name of the pose scare you; you won’t be losing your heartbeat on this one. But rather, you will slow it down by breathing slower and deeper. Did know that a lot of us do not breathe properly? While lying flat on your back with your arms perpendicular to your body, practice breathing properly. Be in savasana for 2-3 minutes as you like.

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Here are good video instruction for doing corpse pose to relax by Yoga With Adriene.

4. Easy Pose (Sukhasana)

This is the pose a lot of yoga teachers and instructors begin with when doing sun salutations. Simply come to seated position with your feet crossed on top of each other. If that is too difficult for you, simply stretch your legs out in front of you. You can put your hands on your chest with open palms or in prayer with eyes closed to avoid distraction and relax. Take this time to be at peace with yourself and to be one with yourself.

5. Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana)

Ever take notice of babies? Am sure you have. Do you remember the way they hold onto their feet and giggle? That is where this pose gets its name minus the giggle. Lay flat on your flat and on the next exhale, bring your knees into your chest. Reach for the outer edges of your feet and grab onto them.

5 Easy Yoga Poses to Relax

With these 5 easy yoga poses to relax, you are sure to be relaxed at the end. Remember to do them as often as you want.

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