Running is one of the best exercises you can do for effective results. It a great stress relieving exercise and it works every part of the body and helps you get in better shape if you are consistent in their running routine.
Running makes you happier
Running lifts up your spirits. It is beyond the “runner’s high”. There is a certain kind of relief and joy that comes from running. It is advised that if you are angry, feeling depressed or basically just want to head out, listen to music whilst you run depending on your mood, you can let all the tension drain away as you run.
It can help you think clearer, boosts one’s energy, you can even run for longer distance with music plugged in, losing more calories. It helps improve your sleep, mood and concentration levels. It basically just makes you happy and if you’re already happy, it makes you even happier!
Running adds years to your life
Longevity is one of the benefits of these exercise. Consistently doing 30 minutes exercise per week for 12 months is surely going to have an effect on your body. A study in the journal PLOS medicine shows that when different types of people exercise they live longer on average. It is also good to know that running prevents cancer. A review showing that 170 epidemiological studies in the journal of nutrition reflected that exercising regularly lowered risks of certain kinds of cancers.
Running helps you get fit
You know that exercises burns calories while you’re working out. The bonus is that when you exercise, the burn continues after you stop. Studies have shown that regular exercise boosts “afterburn”—that is, the number of calories you burn after exercise.
You’ve heard the common saying “running is bad for your knees.” Science has proven that it’s not. Studies show that running improves knee health, according to Boston University researcher David Felson in an interview with National Public Radio.
“We know from many long-term studies that running doesn’t appear to cause much damage to the knees,” Felson said. “When we look at people with knee arthritis, we don’t find much of a previous history of running, and when we look at runners and follow them over time, we don’t find that their risk of developing osteoarthritis is any more than expected.”
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