4 Best Foods to Give You a Flat Tummy

The tummy area is the first place to gain fat and the last place to lose fat. So if you’re looking to lose weight, your belly region is definitely somewhere you should pay great attention to. These foods mentioned below are your best bet for losing some belly fat and the amazing thing is that they can work for anyone. You just need to be consistent with them. They also deal with gastrointestinal complications that might be the reason behind your large tummy.

1. Bananas

Bananas are rich in potassium which makes the body get rid of salts and water that may be causing gastrointestinal complications like. Adequate levels of potassium also increase the number of good bacteria that normally live in the belly to digest foods. These bacteria reduce bloating, thereby reducing any form of swells in the belly region.

2. Kefir

Kefir is a fermented food that has high levels of living harmless bacteria that reduce bloating when eaten. Look for ways to add Kefir to your diet plan and you would never regret it.

3. Green tea

A research conducted recently showed that those who consumed more than five cups of green tea a day lost more than two pounds on average than those who did not. This is because green tea contains antioxidants that remove tissues responsible for storing fat, especially in the belly, causing them to release their fats and then stimulating the liver to burn those fats faster into energy.

Green tea also reduces your hunger pangs, so that you do not eat as much. This fact has been confirmed by a Swedish research that showed that daily sippers reported a decrease in hunger.

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Green tea also reduces your hunger pangs, so that you do not eat as much. This fact has been confirmed by a Swedish research that showed that daily sippers reported a decrease in hunger.

4. Apple

Apples are high in pectin ( a water-soluble type of fiber), which helps to keep the belly feeling full, as it takes the time to pass through the digestive system and is not digested.

When sugars, cholesterol and many other types of compounds that can be turned into fats for storage, are assimilated into the blood, one of the very first sites where they will be stored as fats is in the belly.

So a reduction in molecules that might lead to fats also means a reduction in belly fat and hence a flatter tummy. Pectin is known to prevent cholesterol in the intestines from being absorbed into the blood by binding to it.

Fiber also helps to prevent bloating, gas and many other gastrointestinal complications that might make the belly big.

We have provided you with foods that can help you can fight belly fats and bloating. These foods have been tried and proven to efficiently.

Image Courtesy by: s-nbcnews.com, cuisineandhealth.com, wordpress.com, healthambition.com, goodfruit.com

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