Healthy Ice Cream for Summer

Are you trying to keep fit, but still crave for certain things? That shouldn’t really be much of a problem. So many people have been made to cut down their diet totally or partially when it comes to certain treats like cakes, chocolates and ice creams because of weight loss rules, or their aim to keep fit, but that is not always that necessary.

It is important for one to know that in order to keep fit, certain food should not totally be cut out. Some people make the mistake of cutting down totally and miss out on nutrients that certain foods contain. Sweet things can still be taken even when trying to lose weight, but with moderation. For those who love treats such as ice creams, there is a solution for a healthy but still delicious ice cream.

The vegan choc ice cream is an example of such healthy ice creams. It is delicious and very easy to make, it doesn’t need any diary or refined sweeteners but just Coco2 Original and organic coconut cream. Aside from being very healthy and sweet, the vegan choc ice cream is very easy to make and will serve as a perfect substitute for other ice creams.


200 g Coco2
400 ml organic coconut cream


The organic coconut cream needs to be kept in the refrigerator to get chilled for about 15 minutes. In a bowl, scoop out the cream part of the organic coconut cream that is on the top. Try not to mix the cream together, you only need the top part then add your 200 g Coco2 and whisk. Try to whisk until it is light, fluffy and well combined.

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Fill each paddle pop with a small spoon full of the mixture and try to tap gently on the counter to make sure you don’t have air pockets. Then place in a refrigerator for at least 4 hours or even more, over night will be preferable. You can coat your ice cream with coconut or roasted chopped  almonds.

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