Do home remedies for sore throat work? Should I try salt water gargle for sore throat? I had these questions in my mind as well. In order to answer these questions, we need to understand what causes sore throat and throat pain.
Sore throat is triggered as part of our body’s immune response to viral or bacterial infections. This natural immune response is what leads to an inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes in the throat which leads to throat pain and irritation, especially when we swallow.
I hate it when ever I have sore throat as it is painful and indicative of having cold in most cases. I always go for one of the natural home remedies for sore throat as soon as possible to get some relief. Most of the time it does help.
Different things can lead to a sore throat, ranging from a side effect of strained vocal voice, to the first sign of a cold, or an irritation, or even an indication of something more serious.
You can’t help but feel the hurt, and this can lead to lack of appetite, and make you malnourished, since swallowing won’t be easy. If you have a sore throat, your first concern should be how to relief or get rid of it as soon as you can.
Thankfully, there are natural home remedies for sore throat to ease throat pain, without requiring an antibiotic prescription.
1. Marshmallow root
Marshmallow root has been known to cure sore throats for over decades now, its mucilage substance renders it highly potent in coating and lubricating the throat. A research that was published in the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutions of Health revealed that even at high doses, the marshmallow root remains effective and nontoxic.
To use this remedy, you should fill a 1 liter jar with cold water and place the marshmallow root in cheesecloth and tie it up in a bundle. Dip the bundle completely in the water, place the tied end over the lip of the jar and cover the jar tightly.
Infuse for at least 8 hours or overnight and then remove the bundle. Pour a desired amount into your glass and sip it throughout the day to relieve your pain.
2. Lemon juice
The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of lemons make it a useful sore throat home remedy. It’s also high in vitamin C- which boosts immune function and increases salivation thus, helping to keep the throat moist.
You can try hot lemonade with honey by mixing the juice from half a lemon and one teaspoon of honey in one cup of warm water. Sip it slowly. Alternatively, you can gargle with freshly pressed lemon juice diluted with an equal amount of warm water.
If you have trouble to squeeze lemon juice, here are 5 ways to brig out juice from lemon.
3. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a fragrant and delicious spice that’s high in antioxidants and provides antibacterial benefits and it fights throat pain and infection. You can mix one teaspoon each of cinnamon powder and black pepper powder in a glass of warm water, strain the solution and gargle with it 2-3 times a day.
Alternatively, you can mix a few drops of cinnamon oil and one teaspoon of pure honey. Eat this twice a day to get relief from the pain and inflammation associated with a sore throat.
4. Honey
Honey has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that can help naturally to soothe your throat It also is helpful to reduce mucus secretion, coughs and ease the swelling in your throat.
Add raw honey to warm water or tea, or mix it with lemon oil, to create a fast acting sore throat remedy.
Here are some more health benefits of honey. Honey and cinnamon are also used for weight loss.
5. Salt Water Gargle for Sore Throat
Salt works like an antiseptic and helps to draw water out of mucous membranes in the throat which cuts phlegm and reduces inflammation, giving you an instant relief.
Mix one-half teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. If you do not like the salty taste, add a small amount of honey. Gargle with the solution, spit the water out after gargling. Do salt water gargle at least four times a day for best results.
6. Peppermint home remedy for sore throat
A study by the American Cancer Society once unveiled that peppermint has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and anti-bacterial properties. And although peppermint is often used to serve as a breathe-freshener, studies like this and others have strongly pointed out that peppermint can also efficiently serve to relieve sore throat and cough.
7. Chamomile Tea
Chamomile has been reputed to be one of the oldest medicinal herbs that contains antioxidant, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. The chamomile tea is so potent that observatory studies have indicated that merely “inhaling the stem of chamomile can help relieve symptoms of cold, including sore throat.”
It has also been observed that this tea does not only relieves you of sore throat, it also concurrently enhances your immune system to ward-off other similar infections.
Here is How to Brew the Perfect Cup of Chamomile Tea
8. Apple Cider Vinegar
Historians have traced the usage of this mixture as far as ancient Greeks, where it has been reported that the great Greek physician Hippocrates (who has been reputed to be the father of medicine) had, at a particular time, prescribed this mixture (oxymel) to treat sore throats and cough.
Further studies about this mixture have shown that it possesses a vital ingredient known as acetic acid, which aids in fighting bacteria that may cause inflammation in the throat which results in sore throat.
Above are 8 home remedies for sore throat relief, and interestingly, you most likely have some of these already in your kitchen. Try these natural home remedies for sore throat for relief in throat pain!