The condition of your hair says a lot about you, whether you are patient enough to take good care of them, rich enough to afford creaming and making it, or responsible enough to care for it. That is why a lot of people spend good amount of time and energy taking care of it, as it also makes them look beautiful.
But all this could be put to waste much sooner if you keep making mistakes with it. Avoid doing this, and you will not have to spend as much looking after your hair.
1. Poor Gray Coverage
When most ladies apply cream or other solution to their hair, they usually do not apply enough to cover the gray parts of their hair. Because of their resistance and the coarseness, gray hair needs more time and more product before the goodness will be absorbed. So when applying to your hair, start and end with the gray parts first, taking your time to spread and apply the product to allow for the goodness to be properly absorbed.
2. Your Hair is Hot
If you notice that your hair is unusually warm then it might be because that you have “hot roots” caused by coloring hair that has already been colored, so that the natural hair located nearer to your scalp, rises, while the hair above that has already been colored does not. If it is becoming a source of concern and discomfort to you, then apply color that is darker or at the same level with the color already on your hair, to your hair roots only.
Hot roots also occurs when demi-permanent color you applied on new growth to mask gray hair in between, washes out to reveal a hotter, lighter regrowth. Using a color like Madison Reed Root Reboot, which is a deposit only demi-permanent color, allow it to wash out without changing the color of the underlying hair.
The final way hot roots comeabout is of the lightening natural hair, which causes hair closest to the scalp to lift faster and lighter than the remaining hair strands due to heat being released from off your scalp. This can be avoided by lightening the ends of your hair first for 20 minutes, before moving to the roots and applying only freshly mixed color, after which you massage it through the entire hair.
3. Removing Color Too Soon
A lot of people are not patient to wait for the color they have freshly put on their head to settle. They are anxious to get ready for the big event before, so they remove color that is supposed to take longer to set. To solve this, use colors that are quick to set, like the demi-permanent Root Reboot which takes under ten minutes to set, and it lasts for about two weeks, providing good gray coverage.