5 Walking Exercises To Lose Body Fat

5 Walking Exercises To Lose Body Fat

Walking will not only help you lose weight but can also help you get a well-toned body. Below are a few walking variations that you could use to get better results from your walks:

1. Sprint walking1

You should try going sprint walking instead of your normal lazy-paced walk. The quicker you walk, the farther you can go and also the more calories you’ll burn. With this routine, you can burn as much as 200 calories in 30 minutes. Your aim should be walking faster than the last time, every time you try this workout.

2. Half-marathon walk2

Well, this is going to be a long distance walk and it will be more fun if you have someone to go with. It could be a friend or a close relative. Walking for an hour or more can boost your immunity and also increase your metabolism. A half marathon walk is about a 20 km walk which can increase your energy levels and also keep you fit.

3. Brainpower boosting walk3

This has a bit more to do with your mind. Changing the direction you walk can help you burn more calories sometimes. The new direction could be backwards, sideways or even forward which is known to utilize more muscles. So try new directions every time you take a walk.

4. Belly-bursting walk4

Try doing some ab-based exercises while you walk, like holding your breath in for a few seconds while breathing in. This will help strengthen your core then you can even try doing some crunches in between your walks for about five minutes.

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5. High intensity workout5

While walking, you can just spice your work up by adding 10 minutes of high intensity workout in between. Doing this should be fun and can help you lose more weight and tone up well.

Lastly, walking should be fun. You should never get bored while walking. If you need to, you could try listening to music for motivation.

image couresy: simplemost.com, prevention.com.

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