6 Key Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight

You can be keeping your metabolism strong with regular exercise and strength training, eating healthy, tracking your calories, drinking gallons of water and still not lose weight- this can be because you are making one of these mistakes that you didn’t know could sabotage your best get-fit efforts.

This article explains 6 stumbling blocks to your weight loss strategies.

1. You Are Not Eating Enough Food

Although, losing weight requires adjusting your diet so that you can eat less than you presently are.  However, it doesn’t mean you should start skipping meals or slashing a ton of calories to the point where you are feeling hungry all the time or craving foods.  This habit then can eventually cause you to start overeating or bingeing.

Also, your body’s response to drastic cutting down of calories can make it even difficult for you to lose weight.

However, you can figure out your calorie needs to maintain your current weight.  You can then start cutting calories conservatively until you reach the amount that allows you to lose weight without feeling hungry all the time.

2. You Are Not Eating Enough Protein

Protein is the most important nutrient when it comes to losing weight. It is is due to its effect on appetite-regulating hormones such as ghrelin.

Your breakfast is the most important meal to load up on protein as it boosts your metabolism.  This causes you to feel less hungry, decrease cravings and your desire for snacking because it makes you fee less hungry.

Eventually it prevents weight regain.

3. You Are Not Eating the Right Things

A healthy diet that is ideal for weight loss should be about 40% protein, 30% carbs and 30% healthy fat. Eating healthy foods can help improve your health and regulate your appetite.

Related:   3 Tips to Lose Weight After Having Your First Child

Always bear in mind that many processed foods that are labeled healthy aren’t actually healthy so stick to whole foods as much as possible.


4. You Are Not Exercising Enough

Pairing your dietary changes with consistent exercise is crucial because it gives you a little freedom not to eat perfectly at all times.

You can do about 150-240 minutes of exercise per week with some form of resistance training like weight lifting.

It will prevent metabolic slowdown, and help you hold on to precious muscle mass that is often burned along with fat if you are not exercising.

5. You Overestimate How Many Calories You Burn In Workouts

Yes, exercise creates caloric deficits that helps with weight loss but just because you feel tired and sweaty doesn’t mean you have burned gazillion calories, so don’t overdo your post-workout meals.

Always remember that your workouts help to balance moderate dietary fluctuations.

6. You Are Not Sleeping Well

Good sleep is one of the most important things to consider for your physical and mental health, as well as your weight.

Poor sleep which is one of the single biggest risk factors for obesity, can throw off your body’s circadian rhythm.

The resulting release of hormones that increase stress and hunger makes you crave on high calorie foods. Therefore, you should get 7-9 hours of sleep in a comfortable, dark environment.

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