Keeping a strict guideline towards your diet is good, but how you design it matters a lot. Most times your schedule boils down to a week, why not just make a day out of a week, Sunday to be precise just to rest. Below are ways to eat in a span of 6-days that would help loosen 10 pounds off you.
Firstly, you want to try this at your convenience, and also in a state of grounded mindset and fun. The schedule is brief and easy.
Day 1
Start of your day with a low fat milkshake with some flavored berries and nuts accompanied with a large banana for breakfast. Go all veggie soup of your choice for lunch.for dinner, stick with soy or almond milk.
Day 2
For breakfast, any fruit smoothie apart from banana would do. For lunch, go all veggies with a strict salad bowl and light snacks in between meal to fight off cravings. Diced fruits and a cup of green tea.
Day 3
A slice of whole grain bread turned into a sandwich filled with slice of tomatoes, a sprinkle of basil, kosher salt and pepper and accompany this with any kind of veggie smoothie would do for breakfast. For lunch, a bowl of salad or salad stew with potatoes would do accompanied with water. For diner, a soup bowl with a little amount of fish is perfect.
Day 4
A cup of black coffee with no sugar and a side of orange and diced apple would do for breakfast. For lunch, a bowl of fruit salad and a cup of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice would do. Dinner, you could go for tomato salad with basil with mint and a dash of olive oil. Lay off calorie snacks and stick with fruits.
Day 5
At this point pounds of weight are already dropping so you could repeat any diet from day 1 to day 5.
Day 6
For the whole day go for food you haven’t previously like rice, beans and so on, but be prudent in consuming it.
During this period, it is wise to take up fun exercises like, going for a walk to your favorite park, swimming, hiking, cycling with friends and even house chores. When you make it fun, it becomes easier to achieve your goal.