Six Foods To Eat To Whiten Teeth Naturally

6 Teeth whitening foods you should Eat

Looking for the best way to get sparkling white teeth without spending money on expensive tooth-whitening supplements? While some of the most common foods we eat on daily basis can stain our teeth, there are a number of other foods that can actually help in removing those stains. Experts suggest, the most natural form of tooth-whitening is by consuming foods that are known to help in whitening the teeth naturally. Hence, you can flash a sparkling white smile simply by modifying your diet. Even better, these natural teeth whiteners are good for your oral as well as overall health. Read on to find out what these foods are.

1. Strawberries

Strawberries can help whiten your teeth. According to studies, a compound found in strawberries help in dissolving the stains on the tooth. So in order to whiten your teeth naturally, eat six fresh strawberries daily. Take your time to chew them well so that they release the natural tooth whitening compound, which stays in contact with your teeth for a longer time. Enjoy!

2. Apples

Eat apples daily for a sparkling white teeth. Eating apple helps in triggering saliva secretion. And saliva is known to wash off food debris from the teeth that are responsible for staining your teeth. Also eating apple, helps in scrubbing your teeth that helps in keeping it stain-free. Furthermore, eating apples help in dissolving the stains on the teeth as result of its malic acid content.

3. Nuts

Nuts are also perfect type of food to eat and get a glowing white teeth. Nuts, such as walnuts, almonds and cashews are some the best nuts that can help in scrubbing the teeth without harming the tooth enamel. They are harsh enough to remove stains from the teeth. In addition, they contain calcium that helps in building strong teeth.

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4. Hard Cheese

For naturally whiter teeth, eat hard cheese. Chewing hard cheese helps in stimulating saliva production that helps in washing away the stains from the teeth. What’s more, eating cheese helps in neutralizing the plaque causing acid in the mouth and it provides calcium that helps in strengthening the teeth.

5. Celery

Did you know that just munching on crunchy celery can also help in whitening your teeth naturally? Celery is loaded with a starch-like compound called cellulose – a natural abrasive. And it is the cellulose that helps in scrubbing and cleaning the teeth, which helps in removing the stain and restoring the natural white color of the teeth.

6. Carrot

For whitening your teeth, eat raw carrot. It acts as a natural stain exfoliant. The shedding action of the crunchy vegetable on your teeth when you chew it helps in removing the stains from your teeth. Enjoy!

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