10 Difficulties Night Shift Workers Face


Conventionally, the night ought to be a time for rest, but some individuals have to work at night. If this is you, you should know that there are a few risks that could come along with spending your body’s designated rest time, working. Read on to find out more about why you should take your sleep seriously:

1. Poor memory

A study conducted in France and published in the Occupational and Environmental Medicine Journal, revealed that more than half of the 3,000 people who had worked in the night shift had lower scores on tests of memory, had traces of reduced processing speed and an overall reduction in brain power compared to those who had never worked in the night shift.

Another research by the psychology department at Swansea University, UK, revealed that night workers who had resigned registered an increase in their brain power over the period of five years.

2. Vitamin ‘D’ deficiency

Sleeping in the day and working at night can cause a deficiency in vitamin D, this vitamin is responsible for the regulation and absorption of calcium and phosphorous. It also helps to strengthen the immune system. A deficiency in this can affect normal growth and the development of the teeth and bone.

3. Cardiovascular abnormality

A recent study on female nurses at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston revealed that nurses who had irregular work schedules faced high risks of developing cardiovascular diseases.

4. Anxiety and constant fear

By default, through the process of evolution, the human brain is programmed to believe that the darkness of the night is filled with dangers. People who work at night also at most times carry this fear, mostly subconsciously, and it makes them highly paranoid. A slight change in the sound or lighting of that place can trigger anxiety and immense fear.

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5. Hunger

Night shift workers also suffer from hunger, especially when they forget to take snacks with them and the nearby food stores are closed.

6. Prone to make silly errors

Night workers are prone to make very silly errors especially when their work is clerical. Because the Circadian rhythm (what maintains or sleep pattern) is mainly controlled by light, when there is a reduction in the amount of light in work environment, there is a chance of them becoming drowsy and being prone to make mistakes as they work.

7. Subsequent sleeping disorders

Night workers usually consume high amounts of caffeine to stay awake, when this is overdone, it can affect them when they get home, the caffeine in their system will prevent from sleeping at the time they may want to.

8. Unhealthy relationships

If you are a night worker, then you probably already know that the nature of your work can have an effect on your relationships with your loved ones who don’t work at night, because when they are sleeping, you are awake, and when they are awake you are trying to sleep. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is key for good health.

9. Risk of diabetes

A study that was published in the Occupational and Environmental journal revealed that night workers stand a higher chance of developing diabetes due to excessive sugar consumption to stay awake while working.

10. Risk of obesity

The study by the Brigham and Women’s hospital on obesity and sleeping disorders revealed that night workers have a higher risk of being obese.

image couresy: answers.com, dailymail.co.uk.

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