The bones are incredibly hard, harder than concrete, but that does not mean that they cannot be made stronger or that they cannot break. To decrease the chances of this happening, cut out the following four foods, which will ultimately strengthen bones.
1. Salty foods
All the salts we eat today, including table salt and cooking salt, contain sodium. Sodium is higher than calcium in the periodic table. So it is more reactive than calcium in the periodic table, meaning that it will zap out calcium from any compound it is in with, stealing its companions.
Sodium in salt zaps out calcium from the bones the predominant site in the body where they are stored and dumps them in the blood, where the body excretes excess amounts in urine. And because calcium strengthens bones, a reduction causes bones to weaken. Excess salt consumption is the reason why the recommended level of calcium intake is high around the world. For every 2,300 milligrams of salt you consume, 40 milligrams of calcium is excreted in the urine.
2. Rhubarb
Rhubarb is very nutritious, with many benefits for your body. But when strictly considering the bones, this vegetable is not healthy. It contains a group of compounds called oxalates that, reduce the body’s ability to absorb calcium in the gut. So even if you eat this food with a calcium rich food, your bones will not benefit from it because, that calcium just passes out in your faeces.
3. Wheat bran
This food made with the outer hard layers of grain, contains another group of compounds called phytates that prevent the bones from absorbing calcium. Any calcium you take will just pass out of the body in the urine.
4. Meat
Meat and many other foods rich in protein have the ability to weaken bones when consumed in excess. Protein is made up of amino acids, that helps build bone structures. But too much of them in the blood, turns it acidic, forcing the body to release calcium that is stored in bones, into the blood to help with heart function and blood clotting. Bones become weaker as a result, because calcium is a mineral that strengthens them.
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