10 Healthy Summer Foods For Weight Loss

10 Healthy Summer Food Ideas for Weight Loss

For a large number of overweight people, summer is the right time for weight loss. The main reason mostly being all the sweat involved. But for quick and responsive weight loss procedure, perfect food is a necessity whatever season it may be. In short, a person does not need to starve just to look better in shorts or a swimsuit. This will be your guide of healthy foods under 80 calories that can help with weight loss during the summer heat.

1.     Watermelon:

Watermelons are already considered to be a summer treat with their juicy nature. As it is said “half of the watermelon comes from water”. It contains the kind of fiber that shows fat the way out of a human body. The amount of water it contains is highly beneficial for increasing the overall calorie expenditure in the system.

2.     Kale:

Kale is already among the category of leafy greens which are valuable for a person practicing weight loss. But the summer value increases due to its ability of adding a solid dose of fiber to a Greek-yogurt based smoothie. This combo is all the body needs under during the hot summer days. This refreshing summer snack neglects the urge of the body for any higher calorie snacks.

3.     Grilled Shrimp/Seafood with Lime:

Completely makes up for a perfect holiday meal in the summers. Shrimp stands out for one of the most suitable summer grilling appetizers. Four sizzling shrimps account to only 76 calories, which is a steal for such food. Along with that, a 3 ounce shrimp serving has 14% amount of the body’s daily iron requirement.

4.     Cucumbers:

Just another one of those high water veggies. It helps the body stay hydrated and avoids dehydration from masquerading as hunger so that a person doesn’t eat more than he should. Chilled cucumber soup is one of the popular recipes involving this water filled veggie.

5.     Spicy Salsa:

Hot chili peppers are also a good food source during weight loss due to their containment of capaicinoids, naturally occurring chemicals which naturally leads the person to eating less. Hot salsa contains quite a lot more nutritious vegetables and lesser calories than many other dips. The stuff in chili goes right to your fat cells, hence a skinnier waistline.

Related:   20 Healthy Summer Recipes for Weight Loss & Flavor

6.     Frozen Fruit:

Fruits are already high on water levels and pretty beneficial. But the thing with frozen fruits is that when you eat frozen or cold stuff, your metabolism increases while trying to warm the food and bringing it to body temperature. According to a study by Dr. Brian C. Weiner, frozen food creates the greatest calorie deficit burning up to 160 calories to digest 1 liter. That is why fruits and drinks should be preferred frozen during the summer.

10 Healthy Summer Food Ideas to Lose Weight

7.     Avocados:

Summer is almost incomplete without avocados. But this information will give all the more reason to obesity affected people to try it out. It’s the special mix of fiber and healthy fats that gives this gem of a fruit its place on the list. Moreover, it also helps fighting diabetes due to its low sugar level.

8.     Dark Chocolate covered Frozen Banana:

Having already explained the magical abilities of frozen fruits, dark chocolate helps a lot with the sweet cravings because of its insulin lowering flavonoids. It can also help with sugar absorption. So why not join the two together for a perfect summer dessert.

9.     Pina Colada Smoothie:

Wake up to this chilling tropical summer treat every morning. With the list delicious core ingredients containing pineapple chunks, coconut water and vanilla yogurt, an extra punch of cool is added when all these are blended together with a cup of ice.

10.Peanut Butter-Strawberry Sandwich:

This may tend out to be the perfect road trip snack for many dieters this summer. The inventory for this is pretty simple containing 2 Reduced Fat Wheat Thins, 1 teaspoon peanut butter, and 2 slices of strawberry. Peanut butter might be a surprise to some out there but a total calorie count of just 47 shows no harm at all in trying this at the next pit-stop you hit this summer.

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