4 Strengthening Exercises to Prevent Stress Fractures

A stress fracture is a little split in your bone that structures, when an excess stress or weight is put on that bone. It can likewise be alluded to as a hairline fracture. They most generally happen when playing high-impact sports like tennis or basketball, yet a few people can likewise be more prone to if they have a condition like osteoporosis.

If you are worried that you may be in danger of getting a stress fracture, you can do activities and change your eating regimen to make your bones as strong as possible. Read on to learn more.

1. Building bone tissue through exercise

The physical activity you are doing causes new bone tissue when you work out, making your bones more grounded. Specifically, weight-bearing activities can help your bone tissue.

Weight-bearing activities incorporate exercises that make you move against the force of gravity (i.e hopping, running and so on) while keeping up an upright position.

2. Wear proper running shoes

Running shoes that are customized purposely for high-power workouts can keep your bones stress fracture-free. These shoes are fashioned to absorb the pressure placed on your bones when you do weight-bearing activities. Go to a shoe store and talk with a specialist about shoes made for your particular sport and needs.

3. Kick off at a slow pace if you are just getting back into exercising 

Another way to get a stress fracture is by requesting a greater amount of your body than you have in quite a long time. Don’t just hop into the most outrageous exercises that come to your mind.

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At the point when your body is not used to work out, your bones can be truly feeble. When you do work your way up to more serious activities, don’t constrain yourself to do them for a lengthier period of time that you start feeling unease.

4. Do low-impact weight bearing exercises, to begin with

Low-impact workouts are a decent option to kick off with if you are just getting back into a workout routine or have a condition like osteoporosis. Low-impact exercises incorporate:

  • Walking quickly on a treadmill or on an outside route
  • Doing low-impact aerobics
  • Trying out the elliptical machine

Image Courtesy by: askdoctork.com, positivehealthwellness.com

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