8 Amazing Benefits of Doing Yoga

Yoga is a practice that involves physical and mental disciplines from ancient India. You need to twist, stretch, turn and breath, which is really helpful for your health, it heal aches and pains and keeps sickness at bay. Joining a yoga class or doing yoga is not boring nor time wasting, it has hidden benefits that you should know.

1. Promotes flexibility

Doing yoga improves flexibility, you may not be as flexible to even touch your toes on a first try, but then as you keep practicing, you feel loosen and you eventually find it easier to do some poses and this will help reduce your pains and aches.

2. Helps to boost your emotions

Studies have shown that all exercises help people with depression, so does yoga too, it helps you reduce your tendency of suffering from depression, schizophrenia, sleeping problems or any other emotional problem. Practicing yoga also helps with the release of oxytocin and serotonin, which are the love and happiness hormones.

3. Improves posture

As your body gets used to bowling like a ball and all the yoga poses without any pain, your posture also improves in the process.

4. Reduces back pain

Studies have shown that yoga is an effective way of treating chronic back pain, just having a week of yoga can lessen the pain and help you to be more flexible, it stretches your spinal and makes it flexible.

5. Improves cardiovascular health

Doing yoga plays a very important role in reducing your risk of heart diseases. Yoga improves your heart’s performance and enhances the quality of your life. It also help reduce arterial plaque.

Related:   How to Do Yoga at Home

6. Helps you focus

Regular yoga improves coordination, memory, reaction time and IQ scores. Yoga helps you to keep focus. After doing a couple of yoga, you tend to learn how to have less distractions when thinking.

7. Ease asthma

Yoga teaches how to breathe properly and safely. A study involving 57 adults with moderate asthma, who had eight weeks of yoga sessions, ended up having an improvement in their asthma symptoms.

8. Improves sleep

Practicing some yoga poses like laying on your back with your feet up on the wall, helps with the circulation of blood and maintaining the calmness of your body and mind. Yoga helps you get a better night sleep and also helps to reduce the tendency of insomnia.

If you just starting to do yoga, it will be best to join a yoga class or have a yoga coach who will teach you how and when to do these poses, in order to reduce the risk of injuries.

Image Courtesy by: meditationland.org, popsugar-assets.com

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