3 Healthy Breakfasts to Energize You All Day Long

Due to the busy schedules, number of people skip their breakfast, which may eventually have an adverse effect on their health and performance. The body conserves energy and burn the fewer calories when there is no food, which increases the risk of obesity. Eating a nutritionally complete diet, higher in the nutrients, vitamins and minerals for the breakfast will help to boost your metabolism and burn more calories. It will also helps you to improve concentration and performance in the classroom or in the boardroom, and provides you more strength and endurance to make your workouts better.

Some breakfast ideas to help you to improve your energy levels and health are listed below. If you want more protein in your breakfast, then you can consider these 5 breakfast ideas as well.

1. Whole Wheat Pancakes

These pancakes are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fiber.

Ingredients needed are; one cup white whole wheat flour or whole wheat pastry flour, 6 Tbsp buttermilk powder, 2 Tbsp canola oil, a pinch of salt, 1½ cups water, 1 large egg, ½ tsp ground cinnamon, a quarter cup of ground flax seed and baking powder.

The method to cook, combine all dry ingredients in a bowl and stir to mix in another bowl. Beat the egg and whisk it in the water and oil, then add the dry mixture. Whisk everything till it’s combined, and allow the mixture to sit for 5 minutes. Now, heat a griddle over the medium-high heat, turn of the heat to coat the griddle with the cooking spray and heat up again. Place a quarter cup of the batter on the griddle to make your pancakes. Cook until you see the bubbles form on the top and the bottoms are browned, then flip and cook the other side. You can also adjust the heat if you think it’s too much for the pancakes.

Related:   5 Diet-Friendly Healthful Carbs

2. Cream of Wheat with Maple Walnuts and Cranberries

Ingredients needed are; ½ c fat-free evaporated milk, 2 Tbsp whole grain cream of the wheat cereal Wheatena, 1 Tbsp ground flax seed, ½ tsp vanilla extract, 1 Tbsp chopped walnuts, 1 tsp maple syrup, and 1 Tbsp dried cranberries.

The method to cook, combine the milk and Wheatena in a 4-cup microwaveable bowl, and whisk with a fork. Microwave on high power for about 2 minutes, and whisk again, then microwave in 30-second intervals while you whisk at the end of each interval. Do this until your mixture is thickened, then stir in your flax seed and vanilla extract and spoon into a cereal bowl. Now, coat a small microwaveable plate with cooking spray, and spread the walnuts on it and drizzle them with syrup. Microwave it until it’s sizzling, then scatter the glazed walnuts over the cereal mixture with a spatula. You can then top it with cranberries.

3. Peanut Butter and Jelly Pancake

Ingredients needed are; 1 frozen whole wheat pancake, 1 tsp honey, ¼ tsp cornstarch, ¼ c fresh or loose-pack frozen and thawed blueberries, 2 Tbsp omega-3-enriched peanut butter.

The method to prepare this breakfast is simple. Heat the pancake in a toaster oven, then combine the honey and cornstarch in a small microwaveable bowl and stir until smooth. Add the blueberries, stir again, and microwave until it’s thickened and bubbling. Now, spread the peanut butter on the pancake and top it with the blueberries.

Image courtesy of: inspiredtaste.net, healthyfoodcabin.com, breadboozebacon.com, prevention.com.

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